作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
Miklos Philips
Verified Expert in Design

Miklos is a design leader, author, and speaker with more than 18 years of experience in the design field.


Financial Times


“设计实际上是一种交流行为, which means having a deep understanding of the person with whom the designer is communicating.”–Donald A. 诺曼,《欧博体育app下载》

以一种积极的方式与客户情感建立联系的公司可能会获得丰厚的回报. How can we identify the powerful motivators that lead to making those connections?



我们周围的一切都是以某种方式设计的,所有的设计最终都会产生一种情感. We experience an emotional reaction to our environment moment-by-moment: a like or a dislike, elation, joy, frustration. We ‘feel’ it. It’s personal.

在UX专业人士的世界里有一句古老的格言:“与任何产品的交互都会产生一种体验(情感),无论它是否有UX。.” Take industrial design for example and you will find its end products elicited an emotion from their audience, whether good or bad, pleasing or frustrating.


Response ➠ Emotion

Let’s reflect on the definition of UX design: “UX design considers how a user interacts with and responds 到接口、服务或产品.“这种反应是一种情绪. 用户体验设计师不仅力求设计出可用性, 功能性产品,但也要在用户使用产品时对他们产生某种情感影响(通常是积极的),并试图在整个用户旅程中保持这种影响.

当我们谈到情感设计时, 我们讨论的是产品的设计, 或者与它的交互影响用户. 以数字设计为例, 这是一种每时每刻的“心流”效应,在大脑的三个层面上起作用:内脏, behavioral and reflective. 这两个层次之间有一个延迟:首先是发自内心的, 其次是行为,最后是反思. But more about this later.

Visceral emotional design


情感设计是“功能设计”的演变 utilitarian design 哪一种风格非常符合20世纪初以来流行的“形式追随功能”风格. 其背后的理念是,一个物体或建筑的形状应该主要基于它的功能和目的, not its aesthetic.

功利主义的孪生兄弟是 brutalism, 不仅形式服从功能, 但也是用最少的努力组装起来的, the cheapest materials available and with zero regard to appearance or the human experience. 例子包括伦敦的住宅区和东欧共产主义统治时期建造的混凝土和钢铁住宅项目.

Brutalism emotional design


In the early 90s two Japanese researchers studied two different layouts of controls for ATMs. They were interested in finding out how aesthetics affected “perceived usability.“所有版本的自动取款机在功能上都是一样的, 但有些界面更少,有些界面更吸引人. 研究人员发现,界面吸引人的手机被认为更容易使用.e. “they worked better.”

Braun, 近100年前在德国成立的一家非常成功的设计和制造公司以其优雅而闻名, minimalist designs which captivated people. They were functional but also simple, refined, good-looking and consequently a joy to use.


Utilitarian designs that are simply functional and feature-rich do not please people. In this day and age they don’t measure up and no longer satisfy customers.

A basic design is always functional but a great one will also say something. - Tinker Hatfield,耐克鞋设计师.



正如马斯洛需求层次理论所述,人类的动机是基于人们通过个人成长寻求满足和改变, 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛在他1943年的论文《欧博体育app下载》中提出的一种心理学理论.马斯洛的自我实现金字塔,” and “self-transcendence” is a pattern that human motivations generally move through. Emotional design can be similarly put on a pyramid that illustrates its importance.


Functional and attractive things are actually perceived by people to “work better.“正如我们之前看到的日本ATM机实验, a product’s attractive aesthetic affected “perceived usability.” Furthermore, products that include a pleasing aesthetic and anticipatory design 能带来如此程度的顾客满意吗, that people will forgive minor frustrations when encountering imperfections with those products.

我们还记得黑莓和诺基亚吗? 听起来有些耳熟,但都是过去的事了. Contrast their designs with the iPhone’s or Samsung’s people-pleasing slick designs.


Emotions and The Brain

情绪实际上改变了人类大脑的运作方式. Negative experiences focus the brain on what’s wrong; they narrow the thought process and make people anxious and tense. 我们感觉不到自由和“心流”.“我们感到受限制和沮丧. If a website or an App is badly designed and doesn’t perform to expectations, 这种感觉会发展成愤怒. 这就是所谓的“电脑狂怒”.” Our pulse-rate goes up, we click away from the site and we delete the App in frustration. This is an example of “design gone wrong” producing an extreme emotion. Good emotional design elicits pleasure and a sense of security and safety.


“Design is How it Works”

为什么一个产品比另一个更成功? There were plenty of beige-box PCs at the time the translucent, 糖色的imac于1998年发布. The arrival of those iMacs signaled more than a renaissance for Apple; it sparked a widespread industrial design revolution.


Steve Jobs had the brilliant insight earlier than most that design is emotional. “Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like. 人们认为这是一种假象——设计师被递给这个盒子,并被告知,‘把它做得好看些!这不是我们认为的设计. 不仅仅是它的外观和感觉. Design is how it works.——史蒂夫·乔布斯,苹果电脑公司首席执行官. in The Guts of a New Machine”

People are seeking out products that are not just simple to use but a joy to use. — Bruce Claxton, Professor, Design Management at Savannah College of Art and Design.

Fiat 500 emotional design


We didn’t always have “interactive relationships” with the objects and systems around us. 它们大多是“愚蠢”、被动、单向的机器. It’s been mostly one way because the relationship hasn’t been interactive. 汽车是用来载我们从A地到B地的. Now we expect to talk to it; it talks back to us. We’re forming a relationship with it and that “gets emotional.” Generally, we used to press a button and the machine turned on and did something; like the TV or a record player. Now we have Music Apps, interactive TVs and fridges connected to apps that tell us when we need to get more milk.

These days we have an emotional relationship with our “machines” which gives rise to anthropomorphism: 投射意图的倾向, human qualities, behaviors, emotions, 以及无生命物体的性格特征. 当人们与“事物”建立关系时,“当‘事情’没有按照我们想要的那样做时,就有可能产生负面情绪。. 人们开始感到沮丧,不再控制自己. 如果持续恶化,烦恼和恼怒可能会升级为愤怒. Or, 在光谱的另一端, 用户会感到满意和非常高兴,因为它正好把他们想要的东西放在他们的指尖上,在完美的时刻.


How do We Deliver an Ideal Emotional Design That Gives Rise to Positive Emotions?

客户体验策略需要为包括情感在内的整个人类体验进行设计. 利用用户研究和产品测试的力量,有效地建立和衡量产品对用户的情感影响. Doing user-testing, deep research and subsequent touch-point mapping that identifies pain points, designers can identify the frustrations users may encounter while using the product. Not only should designers strive to eliminate these frustrations, but in addition, 寻找给客户带来愉悦的机会,将关键时刻转化为积极的情感体验.


才能创造出成功的产品, a design needs to work extremely well on the three levels described earlier: visceral, behavioral and reflective. (这里向唐·诺曼的开创性著作致敬 “Emotional Design.”)

Visceral design: “I want it. 看起来很棒,我也会的.” This is an immediate, deep-level gut reaction to your product. As they say “you never get a second chance at making a first impression.“如果在这个阶段,产品的设计引起了积极的本能反应,那么你就成功了. Visceral design also affects the perception of your product’s credibility, trustworthiness, quality, appeal, 甚至是易用性.

Visceral emotional design

Behavioral design: “I can master it. It makes me feel smart.“它必须感觉良好,看起来很好,表现良好. 它是关于产品使用效果带来的愉悦感. Behavioral design is a concept that focuses on how a structure or system, as viewed by the users, 满足他们的需要和要求. 好的行为设计就像一把锁和钥匙. Customers and their behavior are the lock, the product is the key. 当两者工作顺利时,就会达到完美的和谐.

If something doesn’t work as advertised, it gives rise to an immediately negative emotion. 首先,产品必须对人有效, 从而有助于其用户的满意度. If a product’s design does not fit with user behavior it will not last long. Here’s a fact: 77 percent of users never use an app again 72 hours after installing. 最成功的应用就是这些, 这是人们经常使用的良好行为设计的结果,他们无法想象没有它们的生活.


Reflective design: “It completes me. 我可以讲述关于它(和我)的故事.” It’s about self-image, personal satisfaction, memories, reflecting back on the experience. 美丽是我们所购买的产品的可取之处. 购买和使用一种产品可以创造一种社会地位感,这与社会经济地位有关. 你的顾客会问:“它漂亮吗? Was it a pleasure to use? Did it make my life easier? 我用它,开它,戴它看起来怎么样?你的客户是否与你的产品“结缘”? For example, 良好的视觉设计有助于提高性能和质量的感知(有吸引力的东西效果更好)和愉悦感.


It may seem obvious, 但如果设计是情感化的, 人们需要感受到与它的情感联系. 大品牌和他们的营销人员努力在他们的品牌和消费者之间建立情感纽带,他们每年花费数百万美元来更新这种联系. Likewise, 如果他们的产品要有意义和成功,设计师就需要努力争取同样的情感联系.

To that end, product design should try to give products a “personality”; something that resembles the real world and brings pleasure and fun to the interaction.

The World is in Motion

越来越多的应用程序使用动画微交互和屏幕转换来赋予它们的应用程序“个性”,” to make them seem “alive.我们周围的世界并不是“硬切”的.” It’s in motion, flowing and fluid; in constant transformation from one state to another. 动画用户界面模拟了现实世界,从而允许用户通过网络与数字产品形成更像人类的关系 anthropomorphism. They’re more fluid, “alive,” animated; something we can relate to. It starts to get emotional.





仅仅说“我们正在开发一个软件驱动的产品,它将突破技术的界限,对人们来说功能强大、有用”已经不够了.“随着技术的发展,竞争环境变得更加公平, 几乎任何人都可以把一个团队和技术结合起来,创造出功能丰富的日常消费产品. What is a more difficult task, however, is having a deep understanding of your 客户的动机和行为. Translating them into effective emotional design that is elegant, 美观和真正独特的产品将在提供理想的客户体验方面发挥至关重要的作用,这反过来又将带来竞争优势和增长.

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Miklos Philips

Miklos Philips

Verified Expert in Design

London, United Kingdom

Member since May 20, 2016

About the author

Miklos is a design leader, author, and speaker with more than 18 years of experience in the design field.

作者都是各自领域经过审查的专家,并撰写他们有经验的主题. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.


Financial Times


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